The Vision and the Ethic

April 15, 2018
2:03 pm

I've recorded the opening to my video log that basically encompasses my introduction and first thoughts on the American Dream. Aside from the crippling anxiety that accompanies my worries about this project outcome, I have an idea for a certain part of the video that will hopefully better this project. There are many other components to this project that have me a tad stressed--and by a tad I mean very, very stressed--including the annotated bibliography (for this I have nearly infinite questions), the soundtrack (which is due in two days), and just the idea of actually presenting this. Despite all this, I intend to do my best work and possibly sacrifice some of my nightly four hours of sleep towards making this video log great.


  1. I feel the same way. Everything is becoming very overwhelming and stressing me out! My project is not where I want it to be, but I am hoping to get more done today. Hopefully everyone's ideas of the American Dream will come across well. Good Luck!!


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